Hey there! Are you familiar with the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT Tapping for short? It's a really cool way to reduce anxiety and stress by tapping on specific points in your body. It releases negative emotions and illness. Would you like to learn more about it?
Our existence is composed of energy that vibrates so rapidly that we seem to be solid physical beings. We are interconnected through a network that unites us all, known as The Matrix. Inside us, we have pathways of energy known as Meridians. These have been utilized for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments, such as Acupuncture and Acupressure. Working with these meridians you can release negative emotions and prevent illness.
Our body has 12 main meridians, each of which is connected to an organ. These meridians are Lung, Liver, Kidney, Spleen, Stomach, Gall Bladder, Heart, Large Intestine, Pericardium, Bladder, Triple Warmer, Conception Vessel, and Small Intestine. Each meridian is associated with a specific emotion, such as grief for the lung and anger and resentment for the liver.
Along these meridians are specific points called acupoints, which are used in Acupuncture, Acupressure, and Tapping. By tapping on certain acupoints while focusing on the emotion, you can release your emotions or pain.
Really Tapping Works
Explaining Meridians
Internal energy pathways that run through our physical body are called meridians. They are pure energy and differ from our arteries, veins, and lymphatic systems. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, these meridians enable the flow of qi or chi, which is the life force to move throughout the body.
Traditional Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years as a medical system to prevent, diagnose, and cure diseases. According to this system, our body's vital energy, known as qi, flows through meridian channels. This energy current flows through both the inside and outside of our body. If it is strong, it keeps a person's spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health in balance, filling them with life and health. However, when the qi is weak, it becomes stagnant and remains still within the body causing negative emotions and eventually illness.
Traditional Chinese Medicine aims to restore balance and harmony in the body by balancing the natural opposing forces of yin and yang. When these forces are imbalanced, they can block the flow of qi and cause negative emotions and illness. It is believed that illness occurs when the flow of qi is hindered, which is considered a blockage that must be removed to restore the body to health. This is achieved by tapping on specific acupoints on certain meridians to unblock the flow of qi and restore a healthy energetic flow in the body.
The chi that runs throughout our bodies is both yin and yang. Yin represents the female side and is associated with darkness, tranquillity, coldness, and wetness. The moon and water are Yin elements. Yang represents the male side and is associated with light, activity, heat, and dryness. The sun and fire are Yang elements. Yin allows for expansion and rising, while Yang causes things to contract and sink. Yin and Yang must work together in harmony, as all diseases are caused by a disruption in the body's energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine aims to restore balance and harmony in the body by balancing the natural opposing forces of yin and yang. When these forces are imbalanced, they can block the flow of qi and cause negative emotions and illness. It is believed that illness occurs when the flow of qi is hindered, which is considered as a blockage that must be removed to restore the body to health. This is achieved by tapping on specific acupoints on certain meridians to unblock the flow of qi and restore a healthy energetic flow in the body.
The chi that runs through
out our bodies is both yin and yang. Yin represents the female side and is associated with darkness, tranquillity, coldness, and wetness. The moon and water are Yin elements. Yang represents the male side and is associated with light, activity, heat, and dryness. The sun and fire are Yang elements. Yin allows for expansion and rising, while Yang causes things to contract and sink. Yin and Yang must work together in harmony, as all diseases are caused by a disruption in the body's energy. flow.
I have given a simplistic description of how Traditional Chinese Medicine works with the body’s energy meridians. Now I am putting forward scientific evidence for those who find bodily energy hard to go for. Albert Einstein proved that everything in the universe is energy. Have you ever thought what that means practically? It means that any problem you experience in your life is energy-related.
Did you know that anxiety is often caused by our brain's amygdala, which holds onto negative experiences and causes us to react negatively to similar situations? However, some techniques can help calm the amygdala and break the link to these experiences. One effective method is tapping on specific acupoints while focusing on the emotion. Holistic energy therapies can also help eliminate negative feelings, boost our energy, and maintain momentum in all areas of life. Using these techniques, we can move forward and live a happier, more successful life.
See Below
Acupressure. The Power Healing at
Here we are again working with the body's energies. The most well-known use of our meridians is Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along what are considered lines of energy (meridians), used to treat various physical and mental conditions. (English Dictionary) Acupoints along the body's meridians are needled and left for a while to encourage healing, and then of course the needles are removed. I have to say acupuncture is brilliant.
Being inspired by my therapist Dr. John Frazier of Kore therapy I qualified in Acupressure and use it in my everyday life. Acupressure is a twin of acupuncture and gives you the power of healing at your fingertips. The only difference is instead of needless you use your fingers. By applying pressure to the required acupoint, you are clearing the energy blocks and improving your body's health, balance and harmony.
Acupressure is self-healing as is the Emotional Freedom Technique and can be done anywhere. An advantageous knowledge to have.
To help you better understand tapping, I created a PowerPoint presentation that illustrates the tapping points and the associated emotions.
The Meridian Points and Emotions for Emotional Freedom Technique
As usual, you must take full responsibility for your own health if you choose to work with my experiences.
Below is a link to Jack Canfield's post on
EFT Tapping Therapy To Eliminate Fear And Anxiety
Tapping Therapy is an intensely powerful tool that can help you quickly get over your biggest fears and help achieve all of your goals.
I know I have put this link on twice, I didn't want you to miss it.
Here is an excellent explanation of Tapping and how it works, provided by a well-known specialist in this field. The article is very easy to read and understand.
EFT Tapping Therapy To Eliminate Fear And Anxiety
Tapping Therapy is an intensely powerful tool that can help you quickly get over your biggest fears and help achieve all of your goals. I know I have put this on twice but I didn't want you to miss it.
Please click on the button below for a good read on Emotional Freedom Technique.
Thought Field Therapy is the precursor to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and came about by a single tapping point.
Psychiatrist Doctor Roger Callahan (developer of TFT) was treating Mary for a severe phobia of water over a long period. Working in a water-filled environment Mary explained she felt sick to her stomach at the thought of all this water. As an experiment, Dr Callahan told Mary to tap with two fingers just below the eye focusing totally on her fear of water. After a couple of minutes, the fear had completely gone. So was born TFT.
Again we are working with the body's energy fields and meridians. See Why Tapping Works above.
TFT Uses Algorithms which, in the mathematical world refers to a common solution to a problem. They are sequences of instructions to be followed with the intention of finding a solution to aproblem. St therefore there are a certain sequence and actions for each negative emotion we feel .
I have decided to provide you with a video tutorial instead of a lengthy set of instructions. It will be easier to follow.
There are lots more videos for you to work with on YouTube
As you will have seen humming is used in Thought Field Therapy.
I have a post on the blog regarding why humming is used . Link Here
In a previous blog post, I discussed The Havening Technique, which was developed by Dr. Ruben. Although different from tapping, the technique still utilizes the body's energy to help alleviate phobias, anxiety, and trauma.